When Brittney Palmer approved of Conor McGregor's cheeky meme in response to Khabib Nurmagomedov dis

Conor McGregor's cheeky meme in response to Khabib Nurmagomedov's controversial remarks about ring girls was approved by longtime UFC ring girl Brittney Palmer. Back in 2021, Khabib Nurmagomedov gave his take on ring girls, claiming that they are the "most useless people in martial arts." At a press conference in Russia, the former UFC lightweight

Conor McGregor's cheeky meme in response to Khabib Nurmagomedov's controversial remarks about ring girls was approved by longtime UFC ring girl Brittney Palmer.

Back in 2021, Khabib Nurmagomedov gave his take on ring girls, claiming that they are the "most useless people in martial arts." At a press conference in Russia, the former UFC lightweight champion said:

“Look, I don’t want to offend anyone: Ring girls are the most useless people in martial arts. What is their function? I have a question. You can show that it is the second round on the screen."

Catch Khabib Nurmagomdeov's comments below:

Khabib Nurmagomedov's comments were met with a lot of criticism by the MMA community and also his former opponent Conor McGregor. McGregor posted a meme poking fun at Nurmagomedov, featuring UFC ring girls Brittney Palmer and Arianny Celeste.

Palmer seemingly approved of the meme posted by 'The Notorious'. Replying to the Irishman's tweet, she wrote:

"Hahahah sorry not sorry!"

Palmer and Celeste are two of the most popular ring girls in the UFC. The two have been working with the promotion for more than a decade. While Palmer joined the UFC in 2005, Celeste started working with the organization in 2006 when she was just 21 years old.

Joe Rogan was spotted wearing Brittney Palmer's design on his T-shirt

Brittney Palmer is a woman of many talents. She is an acclaimed artist along with being a model and a ring girl. Her interest in art began when she was just 21 years old after suffering a life-changing car accident. She was bedridden and unable to walk independently for three months as a result of it,

Palmer studied art history and classic portraiture, and worked with acrylics, oils, and aerosols at the University of California, Los Angeles. The UFC ring girl also sells her work across various art exhibitions, galleries, and auctions, and has displayed her work in Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Milan, Hong Kong, etc. She has also raised over $100,000 from the same.

Interestingly, a T-shirt featuring one of her designs was worn by UFC commentator Joe Rogan, who showed his support for Palmer by doing so. The design featured the current UFC heavyweight champion, Jon Jones.

Check out Brittney Palmer's Jon Jones artwork below:

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