Tony Khan's next AEW signing at Full Gear could be a 10-time champion from WWE

Following the announcement of a new AEW signing to be unveiled this Saturday at Full Gear by Tony Khan, a new report has emerged regarding the possible name. On the "X" social media platform, Tony Khan recently announced that a pro wrestler who is no stranger to the All Elite fans will sign a new

Following the announcement of a new AEW signing to be unveiled this Saturday at Full Gear by Tony Khan, a new report has emerged regarding the possible name.

On the "X" social media platform, Tony Khan recently announced that a pro wrestler who is no stranger to the All Elite fans will sign a new deal with AEW at the Full Gear pay-per-view this Saturday. The speculations have been running wild following the announcement among the Internet wrestling community.

Multiple wrestlers are set to be free agents in the business sooner rather than later, and TK would wait no further to grab the opportunity. Meanwhile, a new report has emerged regarding the possible new signing for AEW. Sean Ross Sapp of Fightful has speculated two names who could be the potential new signings at Full Gear.

On his recent live stream after Dynamite on Fightful Select, Sean reported that the new signing could be either Will Ospreay or Mercedes Mone (fka Sasha Banks). According to Sapp, Ospreay has a 51% chance of being unveiled as AEW's new signing, whereas Mone also has a 49% chance to be the star this Saturday.

Henceforth, it remains to be seen which popular star in the wrestling world today will go All Elite and will be revealed as the latest company signing this Saturday at Full Gear.

Tony Khan recently announced another new AEW signing

While fans anticipate a top star signing with the All Elite promotion this Saturday at Full Gear, Tony Khan has unveiled a brand new signing after Dynamite this week.

TK announced that the Japanese veteran, Kota Ibushi, has signed a new deal with AEW while congratulating him on his victory.

Although Ibushi has been appearing on AEW TV for several weeks, this seems to be a full-time signing. Henceforth, only time will tell how Ibushi fares in his new journey.

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