Tom Cruise makes Katie Holmes write him weekly confessions

If I had a dollar for every article Id written that started out with some version of Poor Katie Holmes, I could well I could buy a pizza. Which still means Ive devoted about 25 articles (plus tip) to how badly I feel for autobot Katie. As if her life couldnt get anymore stifling, according

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If I had a dollar for every article I’d written that started out with some version of “Poor Katie Holmes,” I could… well I could buy a pizza. Which still means I’ve devoted about 25 articles (plus tip) to how badly I feel for autobot Katie. As if her life couldn’t get anymore stifling, according to the Daily Mail she and husband Tom Cruise have a marriage contract. And part of that contract stipulates that she must tell him absolutely every single thing she does, whether big or small. And each week, she has to write down a detailed list of confessions for anything she’s forgotten to tell Tom about.

Katie Holmes may be coming to the end of her Purification Rundown diet, but it seems she isn’t stopping there with her commitment to Scientology.

I can reveal that the 30-year-old actress resolves problems with her husband Tom Cruise by making weekly written confessions, as laid out in the Scientology code.

‘Katie has to confess to something as minor as forgetting to tell him she has met with a friend,’ says a source.

‘If she commits a transgression against the moral code of their marriage, she has to tell Tom in writing, giving full details of the time and place and what happened.’

[From the Daily Mail]

The Daily Mail certainly is one of those “grain of salt” sources. But there’s little I won’t believe about Tom Cruise. And he’s certainly controlling that none of this seems out of the realm of possibility. At some point when you hear the same sort of gossip repeated over and over again, you have to figure there’s some truth in it. Never do you hear anyone deny that Tom’s a control freak.

Recent examples: Tom required interviewers to like Valkyrie before he’d talk to them, he controls all contact between Nicole Kidman and their kids, and he’s tried to push her friends – even famous ones like Victoria Beckham – out of Katie’s life. It doesn’t seem far-fetched that he makes Katie account for her every movement. He’s probably working on a way to record her thoughts. Then Tom will finally have his perfect robot.

Here’s Tom and Katie leaving Porcao restaurant after having dinner in Rio De Janiro on February 2nd. Header at the Rio De Janeiro premiere of ‘Valkyrie’ on February 3rd. Images thanks to

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