Matthew McConaughey really enjoyed his trip to Nicaragua

Actor and dad-to-be Matthew McConaughey blew off some major steam earlier this month in a small Nicaraguan bar. Its no secret that Matty boy likes to get his party on. A man with a pregnant model girlfriend at home has to be careful not to drink too much and hit on women in a public

Actor and dad-to-be Matthew McConaughey blew off some major steam earlier this month in a small Nicaraguan bar. It’s no secret that Matty boy likes to get his party on. A man with a pregnant model girlfriend at home has to be careful not to drink too much and hit on women in a public place, so it makes sense that he’d head to South America to do his partying rather than stumbling down Sunset Boulevard. Unfortunately for him, the other bargoers in Nicaragua had access to camera phones to document his evening of drunken groping, and these photos wound up in the hands of Star magazine.

With his first child due to arrive any day now, you’d think Matthew McConaughey would be at home around the clock nesting with gal pal Camila Alves. Not quite. The Fool’s Gold star was in San Juan Del Sur, Nicaragua, on June 6 drinking himself into a near-stupor at the Iguana Bar, while groping and hitting on a number of women, Star has learned.

“He was acting like an out-of-control 18-year-old,” claims an eyewitness who was at the bar. “He already seemed to be drunk when he arrived alone, and he only got worse from there on. He was putting the make on every woman in his path, throwing his arms around them and trying to kiss them, and trying to dirty-dance with a few out on the floor. But he was a mess, slurring his words and stumbling around.

“A few minutes after he finally left the bar, someone found him searching through a sewage ditch outside. When they asked him what he was doing, he mumbled, ‘I’ve lost my flip-flops!'”

[From Star magazine via D-Listed]

Wow – that’s a night that sounds like the inspiration for a Jimmy Buffet song! Look, everyone has the right to get stinkin’ drunk once in a while– even a guy with a kid on the way. Especially a guy with a kid on the way. As for the claims that he was groping and kissing girls in the bar, the photos in Star don’t concretely back that up. If anything, the girls in the photos look a lot more aggressive toward Matthew than he does toward them. Still, if I were his 9-months-preggers girlfriend back home, I might be a little upset.

