How to get Shiny Mega Rayquaza in Pokemon GO?

Mega Rayquaza is finally coming to Pokemon GO and is debuting during GO Fest 2023. Trainers with tickets for the in-person events at Osaka, London, and New York City and the Global GO Fest later will be able to get their hands on this insanely powerful critter. Being one of the most popular legendary beasts

Mega Rayquaza is finally coming to Pokemon GO and is debuting during GO Fest 2023. Trainers with tickets for the in-person events at Osaka, London, and New York City and the Global GO Fest later will be able to get their hands on this insanely powerful critter. Being one of the most popular legendary beasts in the game, trainers all over the world are excited about the upcoming GO Fest.

The in-game description of Mega Rayquaza reads:

“The clouds are parting as a massive Pokémon descends from the sky—that’s right, none other than Mega Rayquaza, the Sky High Pokémon, will be making its Pokémon GO debut at Pokémon GO Fest 2023! Trainers will be able to encounter Mega Rayquaza first at the in-person GO Fest 2023 events in London, Osaka, and New York City. Mega Rayquaza will then make its worldwide debut during Pokémon GO Fest 2023: Global!”

Now, if you happen to be a shiny hunter in the game, you might wonder if this monster will come with a shiny variant. The answer is a fat, resounding yes! In this article, we will talk about how you can get Mega Rayquaza in Pokemon GO and if it is worth grinding the same in five-star raids.

How to catch Shiny Rayquaza and Shiny Mega Rayquaza in Pokemon GO Fest 2023?

Mega Rayquaza will be hitting the Pokemon GO Gyms during the in-person Fest on August 3, 2023, and it will stay till August 5, 2023. This creature will make its worldwide debut on August 26, 2023.

Since this is a legendary Pokemon, you will have a 1 in 20 chance of it being shiny if you beat it in a raid. This means you are guaranteed to encounter a Shiny Rayquaza if you defeat it 20 times in five-star raids.

Once you catch a Shiny Rayquaza, you can evolve it into its mega form, but it is unlike any mega evolution you have seen in Pokemon GO till now.

How to get Mega Rayquaza in Pokemon GO?

Unlike other mega-beasts in Pokemon GO, the mega evolution of Rayquaza is a bit more complex. To evolve Rayquaza into its mega form, you must first teach it Dragon Ascent. It is not in the game yet, as this is a completely new move. Dragon Ascent in GO is going to be exclusive to Rayquaza. To teach this move to your Rayquaza, you will have to make use of a new item in the game called Meteorite.

Previously, Special Items used on critters in the game were solely for evolutions. But now, you can use them for moves too. Unlike other monsters that use TMs to learn new moves, Rayquaza will ask for this brand new item called Meteorite to learn Dragon Ascent. You can collect Meteorites through Research tasks during GO Fest 2023.

Given that this critter will be one of the strongest Dragon-type beasts in the game, you should consider grinding the raids to get one with a decent PvP appraisal.

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