GTA Online Lampadati Felon GT spawn locations and more

GTA Online provides players with a variety of options when it comes to which car they can get their hands on in the game. However, there is one car that always manages to confuse players regarding its features, the Lampadati Felon GT.

GTA Online provides players with a variety of options when it comes to which car they can get their hands on in the game. However, there is one car that always manages to confuse players regarding its features, the Lampadati Felon GT.

A car that can be found driven by NPCs in cities, Lampadati Felon GT is one of those rare cars that spawn in the game and can be acquired for free. This opens up a great opportunity for GTA Online players looking for a free car to own.

But that’s not all, as Lampadati Felon GT becomes even more special in GTA Online as it is a car that can also be sold for a decent amount of cash.

Thus, this article will provide players with all of the popular spawn locations for this car and many more important pieces of information players should keep in mind.

All of the spawn locations of Lampadati Felon GT in GTA Online

The first and most important location for GTA Online players to visit is the area between Rockford Hills and Downtown Vinewood. This is the location where players may notice a Felon GT parked near the main road or an NPC driving it.

If players can't find it there, then they can go to the parking lot at Derriere Lingerie Backlot. Their GTA Online players can find the Felon GT parked at one of the spots.

Another location would be near Richard Majestic Apartments, this is an area where players may have to look around a little bit as it is very likely that the Felon GT will be driven by an NPC.

Finally, GTA Online players can even go to Vespucci Beach and look for this car near two beach blankets where it spawns during the day or go to the northeast side of Los Santos Customs which is situated near the airport.

These are some of the most popular locations where the possibility of Felon GT spawning is very high.

What is Lampadati Felon GT's performance?

The Felon GT is a luxury coupe car that takes heavy design inspiration from the 2010-present Maserati GranCabrio, which gives it a very memorable design that is easy to identify.

It also has some of the best acceleration a luxury car can provide and can reach a top speed of 110.5 mph and a lap time of 1:11.505, making it one of the fastest cars in its class.

One of the surprising things about this car has to be its amazing handling, as most of the time, convertible versions of hardtop cars are very hard to control well. Thus, this quality of the Felon GT, makes it a great car to use during races.

How can players sell Lampadati Felon GT in GTA Online?

Another unique feature of this vehicle has to be the option to sell it. To do this, you need to go to Los Santos Customs, and once the Felon GT enters the garage, you will see the sell option on the categories menu.

You should also keep in mind that repairing this car will not increase its price as most of the time it will always sell for around $9,446 to $9,500.

In-game top speed and lap time measured by Broughy1322

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