Emma Stone gets hot for other gingers, she has a crush on Christina Hendricks

One of our favorite gingers (after Michael Fassbender, Prince Harry, etc) is Emma Stone, and shes got a great new interview in the new issue of The Advocate. Apparently, she has a big gay following, something about her being a tomboy and kissing cute boys that the gays want to claim. Oh, and shes also


One of our favorite gingers (after Michael Fassbender, Prince Harry, etc) is Emma Stone, and she’s got a great new interview in the new issue of The Advocate. Apparently, she has a big gay following, something about her being a tomboy and kissing cute boys that the gays want to claim. Oh, and she’s also done pro-gay movies written by gay writers. So, Emma is loved by the readers of The Advocate and she loves them right back. You can read the full piece here – some excerpts are below. My favorite parts are when she talks about how hot Ryan Gosling is and how her imaginary girlfriend is Christina Hendricks (ZOMG, ginger-on-ginger lesbian hotness!):

When did you become aware of your gay following?
When The House Bunny came out, and it was incredibly exciting. That support is profoundly important and moving to me, because you guys are the best. I grew up with a ton of gay friends and witnessed their struggles. One of the most wonderful things about doing Easy A was that we got to tackle issues that many gay teenagers face.

Did you anticipate the extent to which Easy A would resonate with the gay audience?
Our writer, Bert V. Royal, is gay, and these were issues that he had actually experienced growing up, so we knew that would resonate. But when the movie came out last summer, media coverage of gay teen suicides was everywhere. Because the movie came out right in the eye of that storm, the timing ended up being more relevant and poignant than we anticipated.

Who’s the most important gay person in your life?
I did a lot of theater growing up, and I was lucky to be raised in a family that was very accepting, so someone being gay was never odd or off-putting to me. I have a lot of wonderful gay friends, but one of the most formative men in my life is Max, who’s been my best friend since I was 11 years old. He’s the funniest human being on the planet, and he single-handedly taught me how to do improv. He also taught me what friendship is and what it is to truly know someone. Now we both live in New York, so we’ve been able to stay close for our whole lives.

Your character in The Help, “Skeeter,” is a young journalist who exposes the injustices suffered by black housemaids in 1960s Mississippi. Do you also strive to use your creative power to speak out on socio-political issues?
I’m the least eloquent person on the planet, so I don’t know that I’d be the right person to speak out on anything. But that’s what’s so wonderful about good movies and writers: I can be a part of a project that says what I wish I could say. My ultimate goal is to continue doing movies with some sort of message that can make a change, like Easy A or The Help. Because that’s what good movies do for me: They teach me and bring injustices to my attention.

In the Crazy, Stupid, Love. trailer, your character admires Ryan Gosling’s shirtless torso and says, “It’s like you’re photoshopped!” Since you got closer to all that than most of us ever will, what else can you share?
Well, I got to touch it too, so I can confirm that he isn’t photoshopped at all. He put in all the hard work, and it will not disappoint you.

Instead of boy-crazy girly girls, you often play these strong, independent women with an edgy tomboy quality, which has certainly endeared you to lesbian fans.
Really? Oh, I’m so flattered. The tomboy quality is probably coincidental just due to the fact that my voice hits male octaves most of the time. I don’t really think about it — I just respond to what I read — but I must be subconsciously drawn to women who, even if they don’t necessarily have their shit together, are secure within themselves and don’t need a man to fix them.

Are you a tomboy or a girly girl in real life?
It depends on the day. I’m a solid party mix of both.

A lesbian role seems like a logical next step for you.
Right? Send me over a good script. That sounds amazing.

Which gay star would you play in a biopic?
Can I play a man? Anthony Perkins would be interesting, because it was kind of a secret thing.

When you guested on Chelsea Lately, Chelsea Handler asked if you had a girlfriend when you evaded her question about having a boyfriend. You responded sarcastically, but I got excited for a second.
No, I don’t have a girlfriend. But who knows? You love who you love.

Do you have a girl crush?
Christina Hendricks. It’s a no-brainer. Everything about her does it for me. That’s my kind of woman.

Like her, you’re a natural blonde who’s found fame as a redhead. Were you surprised by the brouhaha on the blogosphere when you went back to blonde to play Gwen Stacy in next year’s The Amazing Spider-Man?
It was so funny. To me, hair is hair — you dye it, cut it, whatever — so all that attention was wild.

It gets confusing for a guy who might want to dress as you for Halloween.
Damn it. OK, always stick with red — that’s my advice to a drag Emma Stone. I may be a blonde at roots, but I’m a redhead at heart.

[From The Advocate]

I love her. So, so much. “I may be a blonde at roots, but I’m a redhead at heart.” Sassy little thing. Now, who else is having a little ginger sex fantasy starring Emma, Christina and Michael Fassbender? OMG. Hot gingers, mixing it up. Jesus, that’s a good fantasy. Now throw in Prince Harry. Good lord.



Photos courtesy of Fame & WENN.

