5 realistic landing spots for John Collins amid Utah Jazz reported wish totradeforward

The Utah Jazz seemingly aren't satisfied with how John Collins has performed this season and have put him on the trade block after acquiring him via trade over the summer. Collins has been involved in trade rumors since he was with the Atlanta Hawks for a long time.

The Utah Jazz seemingly aren't satisfied with how John Collins has performed this season and have put him on the trade block after acquiring him via trade over the summer. Collins has been involved in trade rumors since he was with the Atlanta Hawks for a long time.

In his first season in Utah, Collins' numbers have been underwhelming. He's averaging 14.5 points, 8.6 rebounds and one block in 22 games. The Jazz were hoping he could add a boost on both ends of the floor, but he hasn't pleased the team with his recent outings.

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Collins was traded by the Hawks in exchange for Rudy Gay and a future second-round pick.

You might also be interested in reading this: Phoenix Suns targeting Malcolm Brogdon and John Collins

What is John Collins' contract with the Jazz?

John Collins was given an extension by his former team, the Hawks in 2021. Collins signed a five-year, $125 million contract extension, with a player option in the fifth year of his deal. This season, he's earning $25.3 million, making him the highest-paid player for the Jazz.

As the highest-paid player on the team, Collins has disappointed the Jazz by being the third-leading scorer. Lauri Markkanen and Jordan Clarkson are first and second in scoring, respectively. The two are earning less money than the high-flying forward this season.

Also read: Watch: Bismack Biyombo gets clobbered as John Collins catches monster lob over Grizzlies star

Here are five potential landing spots for Collins if he is traded by the Jazz:

5 potential landing spots for John Collins

#5. Milwaukee Bucks

The Milwaukee Bucks have emerged as one of the teams that have expressed their intention of trading for the young forward. ESPN's Zach Lowe suggested that the Bucks could be a team to keep an eye for in Collins' future:

"They kicked the tires on John Collins who got traded to Utah for nothing really, maybe that's a name..." Lowe said. "If you’re a Jazz fan you might say, ‘Really, one first-round pick?’ That 2029 first-round pick, if it's unprotected, is going to be considered very very valuable around the league because of the uncertainty around the Bucks' future."

#4. Brooklyn Nets

Over the summer, the Brooklyn Nets were rumored to have drawn interest in pursuing Collins. However, that didn't come to fruition. They still have a chance this season as they are looking for someone who can take on some scoring load:

"The Nets want some guys who can score, and [Collins] can score. But, the only way they can really do something big, can really get someone who can score in there, is if they can get a taker for Ben Simmons," a league executive said.

#3. Toronto Raptors

The Hawks tried to trade for Pascal Siakam with Collins over the summer. While that didn't happen, it could still be an option for the young forward. The Toronto Raptors might need to work on adjusting the trade to compensate for the significant salary that the forward has.

#2. Cleveland Cavaliers

The Jazz and the Cleveland Cavaliers could reach out to each other once again this time to make adjustments to their roster. Utah's optimistic that Taylor Hendricks could take on the leap for the next level if they trade Collins away:

"While the Jazz just added Collins this offseason, they could be ready to pivot away from him sooner than later for a few reasons... If No. 9 overall pick Taylor Hendricks is ready to roll right away, Utah should want to give him all the minutes he can get," Bleacher Report's Zach Buckley wrote.

It's still quite unclear which player the Cavs could give up for Collins.

#1. Golden State Warriors

The Golden State Warriors have struggled mightily this season and are looking for a change of scenery. One option the Warriors can explore is trading away Jonathan Kuminga for Collins.

John Collins would fit well with the Warriors as he's a 38% shooter from behind the arc and is a capable scorer from inside.

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