5 chilling details about the Ruiz Stone murder

The heartbreaking murder case of Ruiz Stone was explored and chronicled in the latest episode 8 of Investigation Discovery's Murder in the Heartland season 4. The brand new episode made its arrival exclusively on the popular true-crime network Investigation Discovery on Wednesday, December 14, 2022, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time (ET).

The heartbreaking murder case of Ruiz Stone was explored and chronicled in the latest episode 8 of Investigation Discovery's Murder in the Heartland season 4. The brand new episode made its arrival exclusively on the popular true-crime network Investigation Discovery on Wednesday, December 14, 2022, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time (ET).

The eighth episode of the top-rated and highly consuming true-crime series' seventh season was titled, An Affair With Murder. The official synopsis for the Murder in the Heartland episode, given by Investigation Discovery, read:

"A woman working for a plant in Camden, Ark., goes missing; when a local stumbles upon Ruiz Stone's abandoned van, her family fears the worst, and some speculate Ruiz fled town with a lover, but detectives reveal something far more sinister."

The heart-wrenching true story of Ruiz Stone goes back to 2003. Stone was brutally murdered by a man named Allen Jason Wooten, with whom she was having an affair.

Since the preview clip for the episode was released by Investigation Discovery, viewers of the true-crime series have been eager to learn all about the chilling murder case.

Allen Jason Wooten's arrest, Ruiz Stone's affair, and more bone-chilling details about the case

1) Ruiz Stone was an Arkansas woman whose life was cut short in 2003

A still of Ruiz Stone with her family (image Via Celebseek)

Reportedly, Ruiz Stone, originally named Ruiz Jo-Marie Stone, was a woman from Camden, Arkansas, whose precious life ended in 2003. She was married to James Stone, and together, they shared two children, a son, and a daughter.

Ruiz Stone used to work as an account salesperson for the local Coca-Cola. According to her close friends, she was quite friendly and outgoing as a person. However, she was reportedly suffering from depression after losing her sister and mother. She was also allegedly having an affair with a Camden man named Allen Jason Wooten at the time.

2) Stone went missing on June 23, 2003, only to be found dead

On June 23, 2003, at around 7:30 pm, Ruiz's husband James Stone, and their children filed a missing report after she failed to return home after work.

The woman was last seen that evening at around 5:20 pm, as stated by her co-workers at the time. After the missing report was filed, authorities conducted an intensive search. Later on, Ruiz's dead body was discovered by officials under some debris in Camden.

3) Stone was inhumanly beaten to death

A still from Murder in the Heartland (image Via Amazon Prime Video)

After Ruiz's body was discovered by the Camden police, it was sent for an autopsy. According to the autopsy report, she suffered from a crushed larynx, a fractured skull, and obliterated cheekbones.

The report revealed that she had been the victim of a monstrous attack, denoting that she was mercilessly beaten to death with a pipe. Her body was dumped by the murderer in another location.

4) Stone was brutally murdered by Allen Jason Wooten

A still of Allen Jason Wooten (image Via Monsters & Critics)

A thorough and intense investigation led the authorities to the killer. It was none other than Allen Jason Wooten, a local man who was involved in an extramarital affair with Ruiz Stone. The duo had been having the affair for approximately a year.

The man was married and also had children. The day Ruiz went missing, she met Allen Jason Wooten to tell him that she was pregnant with his child. She even threatened to get rid of his wife and children. At this point, Wooten allegedly lost his temper and brutally beat Ruiz to death in a fit of rage.

5) Allen Jason Wooten was arrested and convicted for his sinister crime

During the murder investigation, authorities found out about Ruiz's affair with Allen Jason Wooten and when they questioned him, he confessed to his crime after breaking down.

In April 2004, Wooten was found guilty by the court and was convicted of first-degree murder and corpse abuse. He went on to receive a sentence of 46 years behind bars. He is currently serving his jail sentence at an Arkansas State Police facility.

Don't forget to watch episode 8 of Murder in the Heartland season 4 titled, An Affair With Murder, airing on Wednesday, December 14, 2022, at 8:00 pm ET, on Investigation Discovery.

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